Course curriculum

  1. 02
    • The Basics of Planning and Modeling a Practice's Business Model

    • Models and Spreadsheets of Theoretical APD Practices

    • Downloadable Projections Worksheet

    • Insurance: Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

    • Need some help?

  2. 03
    • The Importance of a Good Conversation for Your Patients and Your Practice

    • The Importance of Verification (Not REM, though that's important too)

    • The Components of Purposeful Conversations

    • To-Do Lists for Purposeful Conversations with Patients

    • To-Do Lists for Purposeful Conversations with Referral Sources

    • Buoyancy, Grit, and Staying Positive

    • Chapter Recap

    • Motivational Interviewing: An Introduction for Audiologists (Audiology Today)

    • Sample Written Report

    • Suggested Scripts for FAQ's from Patients/Parents

    • Success Rate Worksheet

    • Re-Visiting Patient Goals

    • Talk More About the Problems You Can Solve, Less About Complicated Tests and Auditory Training

    • Transcript of Post-Eval Consultation

  3. 04
    • Properly Framing Your Goals

    • Time Management and Finding Your Flow

    • Increase Control, Reduce Stress

    • Ikigai

    • "Opportunity Cost" as a Tool For Time Management and Decision Making

    • Sample Clinic Schedule

  4. 05
    • Conversation with Chris Erickson (website designer, SEO expert, marketing expert)

  5. 06
    • Types of Business Insurances

  6. 07
    • Copy of Conversations with Potential and Existing Referral Sources

    • Sample APD Handout

    • Again, Less About the Intricate Services You Offer, More About the Problems You Solve

    • Choosing a Name for Your Practice

    • Your Email Address: A Small Component of Branding

    • Strategic Storytelling and Successful Marketing

    • Potential Sources of Referrals

    • Slide Deck Template for Use in Marketing

  7. 08
    • Sample Profit/Loss Statement

    • Tracking and Accounting FAQ

    • A Reminder...

  8. 09
    • Reducing the Pain Points in Finding and Retaining Good Employees

    • Sample Interview Questions

    • Sample Job Description (Mature Practice) (Patient Care Coordinator/Office Coordinator/Receptionist)

    • Sample Job Description (Mature Practice) (Audiologist)

    • Consider Offering a QSEHRA to Employees

    • Non-Compete Contracts

  9. 10
    • Factors to Consider in Workflows and Software Usage

    • Sample HIPAA Forms

  10. 11
    • Questions?

  11. 12
    • Additional Resources (External)